Thursday, July 12, 2012

The rest of our vaca:

Well so much for my week in pictures! I've come home from vacation and hit the ground running back into therapies and everyday life. So here is the rest of my last week in pictures and I will be back to posting next week:)

Taking a rest at the Children's museum.

Get this girl some chickens! ( and her mommy too!)

Shy little pilot guy.

My friend Joyce was deemed "THE SUPER AWESOMEST" because she had a game of Viva PiƱata Ready when we arrived to her cute little house in Salt Lake.

When I asked Sadie what she wanted to do this summer she said "I want to milk a REAL COW!"

Pouty in a hammock

Running in sprinklers (hopefully walkers don't get rusty)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Replies
    1. You totally did! And every time Viva Pinata is brought up (which is alot) she has to talk about how she played Viva Pinata at her moms friends house and she was so awesome and her name was Joyce and she had a little couch and if you didn't here the first time: she got to play VIVA PINATA there!!!!!

  2. That is SUCH a cute picture of Bro in the hammock. His pouty face is too cute. And that picture of Joyce is pretty cute too. Haha. I love that all of you still keep in touch.

    Funny story... we just moved recently , so Ive been finding and going through all sorts of studd. Anyway, I came across an album filled with pictures from canyon lake ward, girls camp, and youth conference. My kids had me tell them the names of everyone in those photos. All of you were in several. :)

    1. awww I miss those days!!! Where did you move to?

    2. We moved from Oceanside, to Oceanside. :) Just moved to a bigger place, since my kids refuse to stop growing. I love your blog. You are amazing. I'd love to mert you guys flr a lunch date sometime. Murrieta/Temecula is where I meet everyone. Mcds, Chickfila or Chuckecheese. Or even a park. Email me...

  3. Finally getting a chance to make my rounds and get all caught up with everyone! Love seeing the pictures - looks like a great summer to me! :)

  4. Beebs had so much fun milking the fake cow at the Hoe Down so I can only imagine how much fun it was with the real cow. The pics of the kiddos are adorable! I take it you have been busy since then too. Glad the summer is going well for you all so far!


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